iC-DC is a monolithic switching converter with two back-end linear regulators. The output voltages of the two linear regulators can be individually pinconfigured within a range of 1.5 to 5.5V. The switching converter supplies up to 300mA which can be drawn from the two linear regulators in the ratio required.
The intermediate voltages of the two on-chip linear regulators are adjusted to minimize their drop-out voltages. These are approximately 400mV above the set linear regulator output voltages.
The high efficiency of the buck/boost converter for an input voltage range of +4 V to +36 V makes iC-DC suitable for industrial applications. Using very few external components, a DC/DC power pack can be created with a stabilized supply voltage and minimum power dissipation.
iC-DC is ideal for sensor applications thanks to its minimal power loss, few components, and stabilized supply. Switching transistors, flyback diodes, and an oscillator are integrated in the device so that the only external elements needed are an inductor, the backup capacitors, and a reference resistor.