♦ Selectable resolution and tracking rate (e.g. 12 bit at up to 80,000 rpm and 14 bit at up to 10,000 rpm)
♦ Quad Hall sensors as array for fault-tolerant assembly
♦ Signal level control for optimum operating point
♦ 14-bit interpolation for a resolution of 0.02 °
♦ Programmable resolution, zero position, code direction
♦ Diff. 1 Vpp sin/cos output signals, current-limited
♦ BiSS interface for absolute position and programming
♦ Compatible to BiSS-C standard profiles (BP1, BP3)
♦ SSI compatible data output
♦ Serial RS422 transceiver (5 V) for data rates of up to 10 Mbit/s
♦ LVDS compatibility for higher data rates
♦ Signal monitoring via BiSS error/warning bits (loss-of-magnet)
♦ I2C multimaster interface for configuration from external EEPROM
♦ Serial multiturn interface (BiSS, SSI)
♦ Extended temperature range from -40 to +125 °C
♦ Pin-selectable SPI operation